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Tobias Growler Bass GuitarMiscellaneous
Tobias Growler Bass Guitar 65802, Springfield, MO 65802, USA

Updated On: 04/24/2024



4 string Tobias Growler bass guitar
Pots are noisy and could use a cleaning, but otherwise in very good shape.

669 948


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Aaron Phares
0 Product(s) Sold

Local business owner helping build a digital platform for local Ozarks businesses to thrive!

Note:Please note, we cannot fully verify the seller so please take necessary precautions when setting up any kind of meeting.

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Seller Details

Aaron Phares
0 Product(s) Sold

Local business owner helping build a digital platform for local Ozarks businesses to thrive!

Note:Please note, we cannot fully verify the seller so please take necessary precautions when setting up any kind of meeting.

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